Lights, Camera, Milestones!

Every snapshot is a story.
The Center for the Young Child (CYC) is looking for video clips and photographs from real families that portray toddlers and infants at different stages of development showcasing their wide variety of skills and abilities.
Are you looking to contribute to a meaningful project? We need your help!
The Center for the Young Child invites you to submit videos of your child participating in different activities. Capture mealtime, bedtime, playtime, or other daily rituals to help shed light on the incredible milestones and developmental stages that infants, toddlers, and preschoolers experience.
Your footage can help provide practical, real-world examples that showcase the diverse ways in which children, of all abilities, learn and grow.

The CYC is also looking for photos of young children and their families. Whether it's capturing those heartwarming smiles, memorable family outings, or everyday moments of growth, your photos will help us create engaging resources that represent real families across Ohio.
Join us in this collaborative endeavor by sharing your family’s precious moments and experiences with us!
For more details on what to record / capture, start here.
For more details on how to record / capture, start here.
Ready to submit your photos and videos?
Fill out the form and an OCALI CYC team member will reach out to follow up!
Stuck on what to submit?
Here are some ideas to get you started:

- Family outings in the community such as playing at the park, grocery shopping, or running errands.
- Child playing with toys alone, next/with a sibling / parent
- Singing songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Pat-a-cake, or This Little Piggy
- Playing peek-a-boo, clapping, or simply imitating smiles / faces
- Getting the child’s attention with a rattle or noisy toy
- Showing a child something new or exciting
- Being silly and making silly faces
- Reading a book together

- Mealtimes (i.e. asking what the child would like to eat, cooking together or food prep where the child is helping, and general interactions at the table)
- Nursing, drinking from a bottle or cup, using a spoon, feeding or self feeding
- Participating or imitating chore like sweeping
- Cleaning up routines after playtime
- Putting on shirts, socks, or shoes
- Bedtime routines

- Reaching for, picking up, and handing items over to someone
- Rolling over, crawling, sitting up, scooting, walking, or running
- Swinging, sliding, pulling toys, pushing toys, riding a tricycle
- Kicking or rolling a ball back and forth
- Painting, squishing, stacking, coloring
- Stomping, hopping, or skipping
- Playing airplane
- Tummy time
Not sure how to take a good photo or video?
Watch this great "How To" video from the OCALI video team!
Video: Cell Phone Video Tutorial
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